A haunting and nightmarish tale that tells the story of Selah, a young girl born into a repressive cult known as the Flock. The members of the Flock – all women and female children– live in a rural compound, and are led by one man, known only as Shepherd. Selah, a daughter who is on the cusp of teenage-hood, is given the great honor of participating in the sacred ritual of the birthing of the lambs – upon which they depend for survival – where she has a shocking and otherworldly experience. She begins to have strange visions that make her question her own reality, and everything the Shepherd has taught her and her sisters.
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller Actors: Ailbhe Cowley, Charlotte Moore, David Fawaz, Denise Gough, Eve Connolly, Irene Kelleher, Isabelle Connolly, Jane Herbert, Juliette Crosbie, Kelly Campbell, Mallory Adams, Michiel Huisman, Raffey Cassidy, Zara Devlin Directors: Małgorzata Szumowska Production: IFC Midnight